Tips To Lower Your Blood Sugar: Sweetest Ways To Manage Your Cravings

Tips To Lower Your Blood Sugar: Sweetest Ways To Manage Your Cravings

Blood sugar is an evil that is hard to escape. People trying to control their blood sugar know how delicate the balance is. One moment you are munching down on a safe amount of sugar, the next morning your sugar levels are off the roof! The significance of processes that lower blood sugar cannot be overstressed, at times it can be a factor that turns out to be critical. In this article, we have outlined all the best practices and tips that can help lower blood sugar in a healthy way. None of the tips in this article are speculative, which means we have put in the research to suggest to you the best of the best ways to keep your blood sugar in check. 

In order to tackle any problem, understanding it is of utmost significance. Thus let us begin this informative journey with information regarding blood sugar and how it affects the quality of your life. 

What Is Blood Sugar?

Blood glucose or blood sugar, as it is popularly known, is the amount of sugar that is circulating within your system. Blood sugar is basically derived from carbohydrates that we intake. These carbohydrates get digested to take the form of sugars like glucose and fructose providing the vital energy required for metabolic processes. Having sufficient levels of glucose in your blood can considerably improve the quality of life that you can attain!

To detect an anomaly in your sugar levels, you must know the normal levels of glucose that your blood is supposed to have. Here we have depicted the normal amount of sugar that is required for your body to function at its best capacity.

Your sugar levels might fluctuate, but it should be somewhere around the above-mentioned values. Research shows that people with regulated blood sugar levels tend to live longer with fewer ailments. Blood sugar can also act as an invitation to other dire health conditions like varying levels of cholesterol, seemingly idiopathic obesity, and more. So it is better to stay safe by maintaining your blood sugar levels appropriately. 

How Does Your Body Regulate Blood Sugar?

Your blood sugar levels are naturally regulated by your body by secreting a host of enzymes and hormones. We have written about the hormones that majorly affect blood sugar levels, below:

  • Insulin: The main sugar-regulating hormone in our system, insulin, is produced by the pancreas to move sugar molecules from your bloodstream to the cells that require it. Essentially, insulin reduces the amount of sugar in the bloodstream, which is why it is the most commonly used supplement for diabetic individuals. 
  • Glucagon: Consider this hormone as a counter to insulin. Yes, you guessed it right! Glucagon signals your liver to release more sugars into your bloodstream in the event that your blood sugar level drops from the normal benchmark. 
  • Other Hormones: There are other hormones that passively control your blood sugar levels. The cortisol, adrenaline, and even your growth hormone indirectly affect the quo of your blood sugar. 

Effects of Abnormal Blood Sugar Levels

Now that you know how blood sugar gets regulated within your system, let us talk about the conditions where your body fails to keep the blood sugar level under its control. There can be several factors why a person’s body grows the inability to regulate blood sugar levels. In this section, we will discuss the two conditions that arise from this inability. 

  • Hyperglycemia: This is the kind where you have higher blood sugar levels which causes several daily complications, including the situation where you have to avoid all sorts of carbohydrates. Hyperglycemia causes severe lifestyle modifications which can seem vexing for many individuals. 
  • Hypoglycemia: In this situation you have low levels of blood sugar, causing you to have shakiness, dizziness, confusion, and similar effects which might seem disorienting. People who have this situation need to keep a constant check on their sugar levels, ensuring that it doesn’t drop beyond the sustainable degree. 

  • Risks Involved With Unhealthy Blood Sugar Levels

    Not having the right amount of blood sugar can be the root of several other ailments. Here is a small list to provide you with the right insight:

    • Heart disease
    • Stroke
    • Kidney disease
    • Nerve damage
    • Eye problems
    • Foot problems

    Best Tips To Lower Your Blood Sugar

    If you are looking for a guide that can lead you to a life of regulation and well-being, you’ve landed in the perfect spot! Here, we have outlined and explained tips and tricks that can keep your blood sugar low. The approach that we have brought here is wholesome and demands daunting dedication. The tips provided below are effective when used in amalgamation with a proper lifestyle, and the zeal to stay healthy. Let’s check out the tips that we have curated for you!

    The General Guidelines To Controlling Blood Sugar: The Traditional Ways To Lower Your Blood Sugar!

    Later in this article, we will talk about specific foods that you can consume to keep your blood sugar low. However, a few general changes are really necessary for your body to accommodate the regulation process. 


    This is the age-old technique to stay healthy and fit, however, to highlight the specific benefits that it has for diabetics is that it increases the amount of glucose intake in your cells by increasing the production of any enzyme called GLUT-4 which forms in your cell membrane. People who are dealing with hyperglycemia can efficiently benefit from exercising by constantly keeping their blood sugar levels under the dangerous point. There are several ways to give your body a sufficient amount of exercise like aerobics, yoga, pilates, etc. Maintaining a consistent exercise pattern allows you to keep your hormone levels regulated, in turn promoting healthy levels of blood sugar. 

    Essentially Important Sleep

    Though it might seem confusing at first, without proper sleep the hormone balance within your body goes haywire. Hormones like the growth hormone, insulin, etc. become less effective on your cells, allowing more sugar to remain in your blood. Hence, it is our stern recommendation to get proper sleep, if you’d like to control your blood sugar levels. Having less sleep causes another effect in your body which is very undesirable; it increases your urge to eat sugary items. You will feel like chomping down a whole chocolate bar sitting in the middle of your office, because you did not get enough sleep yesternight. However, getting a regulated amount of sleep and maintaining a healthy sleep cycle will keep your blood sugar level optimal. 

    A Regulated Lifestyle

    Above all, maintaining a lifestyle which is balanced in all aspects, is a must! Plan your week ahead with all your meals, naps and exercise sessions. Keeping them planned out can easily help you detect if you start lacking at one, eventually making up for it. A regulated lifestyle has been the core of well-being for centuries. Several cultures across the globe have formulated a balanced lifestyle to attain long life. Having a regulated lifestyle lets you plan for all the things that you want to do, in respect to the things that you should. For example, if you have planned every meal, you will have an approximation of how much carbohydrate you are going to consume. Knowing this allows you to plan accordingly and avoid carbohydrates at other times. This technique can truly be fine tuned to your daily life, making amazing leaps in your blood sugar control. 

    Mindful Eating

    In recent times, studies have shown that experiencing your food, rather than just eating it blatantly can give you a sense of satiety like no other. Having a feel-good effect during eating will make you feel like eating less portions of food, finally helping in the pursuit of lowering blood sugar. Mindful eating has other benefits like enhanced digestion, reducing wasteful eating and preventing overeating sprees. When you know and delve into what you are eating, you get a clearer picture of what you are sending into your body. 

    Food Tips That Can Help Lower Blood Sugar: A Cheatsheet of Blood Sugar Controlling Food Items

    The ultimate way to regulate blood sugar is through a balanced diet and exercise, however, there are some food items which can effectively keep your blood sugar under a strenuous check. Though these food items are not magic potions which can instantly help you lower blood sugar, their effect over a period of time will seem nothing short of magic. Let us look into some of the best food items that can help lower blood sugar. 

    Leafy Green Veggies

    Leafy vegetables have high fiber content and thus it can hold onto the food in your stomach for a longer period of time, preventing sudden sugar spikes. Green veggies also have a healthy amount of magnesium which is an essential mineral that regulates the glucose metabolism in our body. Eating a substantial amount of greens can help you have a regulated metabolism as well, which in turn helps to control your blood sugar. It is our tip to add a flourishing amount of green leafy vegetables into your diet. It will provide you with wholesome benefits that include lowering your blood sugar effectively. 

    Something “Berry” Nice!

    Everyone likes berries! They are sweet little munchkins which really provide a blast of flavor. In a counterintuitive turn of events, berries have low sugar levels and are rich in fibers and antioxidants. Research conducted on the benefits of berries show that a regular consumption of berries can enhance insulin sensitivity and bring down blood sugar levels. You can try berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. and incorporate them into your daily diet. This would be extremely beneficial for hyperglycemic patients since they can taste sweet berries, while controlling their blood sugar simultaneously. 

    Fatty Fish - Healthy Fats Known to Man!

    Fatty fish is a great source of healthy fats which are directly related to anti-inflammatory properties and improved insulin sensitivity. Fish fat contains omega-3 fatty acids which are recommended by every physician for great metabolism and regulated blood sugar levels. It is imperative that you incorporate healthy fats into your diet for great results in your blood sugar control aspirations. The consumption of fatty acid is also directly related to having better heart health. Thus, having fatty fish can be a great choice for you when looking to lower blood sugar. 

    Are You Nuts?

    Nuts and seeds are another great source of healthy fats alongside a high amount of fiber, making them the perfect food for people looking to lower blood sugar. Nuts are known to efficiently promote satiety and slow down the process of digestion, reducing your recurring urge to eat. Nuts are also a high source of proteins, making them the perfect partner for you if you’re into gyming or other physical activities. Nuts like almonds, and seeds like flax and chia are the best known natural sources for healthy fats which are produced in plants, making them appropriate for vegetarian and vegan people alike. If you are concerned about your blood sugar, nuts and seeds can be the perfect snack alternative for you!

    Your Wholesome Grains

    Whole grains are a super-rich source of fibers, making them a better choice for people with blood sugar concerns. Whole grains refer to unrefined grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread. These grains hold on to the nutrients that refined grains simply skimp out on. It is very necessary for you to consume whole grains since they reduce the absorption rate of glucose, keeping a healthy marker on your blood sugar levels. If you aim to lower blood sugar, it is suggested that you shift from refined grains to whole grains which can be more beneficial for your blood sugar worries. 

    Summarizing Your Elite Tips

    The fight to lower blood sugar is a consistent battle for people struggling with diabetes. A staggering 10.5% of the world population is suffering from diabetes of some form. Knowing such a figure, we can easily say that one in ten people would be affected by diabetes. Hence, it is of the highest importance to keep a check on your blood sugar and lead a healthy life by taking into consideration the points mentioned above. For people dealing with diabetes already, your life is a life of regulation and discipline which might help you achieve more than you can imagine. Keep fighting, keep building and we hope that these tips can make your life a bit more easier, in case you had forgotten any waking aspect of it. 

    Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs
    1. How can I lower my blood sugar quickly?

    Although there is no verified quick method to lower blood sugar, having a balanced diet which contains the above mentioned foods & proper exercise can help you bring down your blood sugar levels. If you are looking to instantly reduce your raised blood sugar level, using your suggested medication is recommended. 

    1. Can drinking water lower blood sugar?

    Yes. Drinking a fair amount of water helps your kidneys flush out excess blood sugar that can be harmful for you. Dehydration can also induce high blood sugar levels and thus it is very significant to always have a healthy amount of water throughout the day. However, avoid sugary drinks even though they are water based, since it can directly contribute to increasing your blood sugar level. 

    1. What drink reduces blood pressure?

    You can opt for several kinds of drinks to reduce or control your blood sugar. You can have juices of berries and citric foods, which are high in antioxidants, and polyphenols and low in sugars. Some of the best juices for blood sugar concerns are beet juice, prune juice, tomato juice, and berry juice. 

    1. Are diabetes and blood sugar related?

    Though there is no direct correlation between the two, over a long period, diabetes damages the small vessels by causing blockages. These blockages or narrowing of your blood vessels can cause your blood pressure to rise. 

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